Monday, August 8, 2011

So easy

It would be easy to begin with what I want,
Easy, asking you to bend
come on over, touch, little darling
the stars are waiting for you to make moves
they’ve planted themselves right above your collar bone
they watch as you
wander, and beg the earth.
They watch as you tip-toe your way
around the words, the feelings, the conversation
that begins, I want to…”
as you settle for the story
that ends with
the patterned drops of your sweat
oh no, tears. I want to break
it in my hands.

Silly girl, do not cry.
Rest. Sit still.
Wait until your chest
does not grow so burdened with each breath
You want me to tell you something?
I have many secrets. They all begin
“I want”
and end “wild and unruly.”