Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Swim (rather)

“Praying over water changes the shape
of the molecules. Like love water is hexagonal or
giving thanks is an octagon, or some bullshit like that,
I’m not really sure…”
striking as this statement is (or could be depending
on your personal level of evangelicalism) perhaps --
more so, is the godlessness
with which she spits it out—bing cherries, knots of blonde hair.
and I wonder what I’m supposed to do with that
kind of information.

“Makes me want to build a boat,” she interrupts.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hush, Siren.

Fourth from the left, one right of center
there is a gap.
It is the intimacy
of this awareness
that I have before
mistaken as sacred,
as ancient.

Teeth, moon, bone
(recurring themes).

I know this because
I’ve been close enough to see it.
and I know this because
I’ve been close enough to hide it
hush, siren .
(or avoidance)
don't smile.